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2012 - 201th album - Other special fishes on the road along the river / комментарии к альбому

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naifboy 🇺🇸 2014-04-20 07:20
where is this pleas
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-04-20 11:26 в ответ naifboy
You can imagine what you have to do to have the answer...
mercedesabdel 🇧🇪 2014-04-20 20:41 в ответ dad3boys
Looks like Burma,
brocklehurst3 🇬🇧 2014-04-21 23:36
The tall boy is really hot.

pmendoc 🇨🇦 2014-04-26 06:22
beau petit groupe, ils sont flexibles?
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-04-26 10:10 в ответ pmendoc
Tout à fait...
pmendoc 🇨🇦 2014-04-27 08:35 в ответ dad3boys
lequel était le plus flexible?
dad3boys 🇫🇷 2014-04-27 09:13 в ответ pmendoc
Le sexy = celui de gauche. Il connaissait sa valeur ...
pmendoc 🇨🇦 2014-04-27 16:15 в ответ dad3boys
oui j'imagine il a l'air sûr de lui! Il portait un slip?
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-04-27 18:38 в ответ pmendoc
Absolument pas !
pmendoc 🇨🇦 2014-04-28 15:10 в ответ dad3boys
as-tu trouvé quelque chose de bien alors?
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-04-29 00:39 в ответ pmendoc
Tout ce qu'il faut pour satisfaire un (mal)honnête homme !

dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-04-20 00:17
To be continued...
naifboy 🇺🇸 2014-04-20 07:23
where this boys ....i will go
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-04-20 11:25 в ответ naifboy
You can imagine what you have to do to have the answer...
naifboy 🇺🇸 2014-04-20 11:28 в ответ dad3boys
you on line
naifboy 🇺🇸 2014-04-20 11:27
hello can your pass plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-04-20 11:33 в ответ naifboy
You can imagine what you have to do to have the answer...
naifboy 🇺🇸 2014-04-20 11:34 в ответ dad3boys
what is this?????????
naifboy 🇺🇸 2014-04-20 11:33
???????????????????????????????????????? ???
shapely 🇳🇱 2014-06-15 01:17
really sweet little kids, so sad they live this way though. i hope you were nice to them :)
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-06-15 09:37 в ответ shapely
Thay have been very nice to me...

pmendoc 🇨🇦 2014-05-08 07:22
Tu leurs as acheté la glace? Une recompense? Pourquoi le petit a la clé anglaise?
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-05-08 09:57 в ответ pmendoc
Après le travail, le réconfort... La clé plate (anglaise ?) elle a servi à ramoner certains trous bouchés...
pmendoc 🇨🇦 2014-05-08 16:18 в ответ dad3boys
ok, le plus grand a dû en faire pas mal alors!
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-05-08 16:21 в ответ pmendoc
C'est un spécialiste...
pmendoc 🇨🇦 2014-05-08 16:34 в ответ dad3boys
cool as-tu une photo préféré de lui?
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-05-08 16:43 в ответ pmendoc
Les 3 premières et la dixième de cette page.
pmendoc 🇨🇦 2014-05-09 05:12 в ответ dad3boys
Il est très beau dans ces photos! Hehe dans la première son pantalon est ouvert d'exprès?
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-05-09 09:21 в ответ pmendoc
Il a un peu tardé à se reculotter après fait son job au bord de la rivière.
pmendoc 🇨🇦 2014-05-09 16:18 в ответ dad3boys
j'aimerai en savoir plus!
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-05-09 21:32 в ответ pmendoc
Tu ne me l'aurais pas dit je ne m'en serais pas douté...

shapely 🇳🇱 2014-06-15 01:18
i sometimes take photos through my car too and regret that I don't keep it so clean

mercedesabdel 🇧🇪 2014-04-21 09:06
That's a cute and young Santa Cl.

brocklehurst3 🇬🇧 2014-04-21 23:38

pmendoc 🇨🇦 2014-04-28 15:21
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-04-29 00:38 в ответ pmendoc
Beau ? Comment ça beau ? Magnifique oui !
pmendoc 🇨🇦 2014-04-29 06:49 в ответ dad3boys
oui c'est vrai! Et la bosse est vrai?
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-04-29 09:18 в ответ pmendoc
pmendoc 🇨🇦 2014-04-29 15:58 в ответ dad3boys
elle donne des semences?

brocklehurst3 🇬🇧 2014-04-21 23:39
cute boys
cosidetto 🇩🇪 2014-07-28 00:19
I love their bright smiles! :)
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-07-28 00:30 в ответ cosidetto
In this country, all kids have bright smiles !
cosidetto 🇩🇪 2014-07-28 00:36 в ответ dad3boys
I have never been there. You are a lucky guy! :)
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-07-28 01:26 в ответ cosidetto
You may go there !

dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-04-21 00:36
This photo is my last photo of 2012. I know they are dozens of people who come every day since 3 years to look at my photos but never comment, neither write to me and never send me anything, only downloading my photos. So if you want I upload my photos of 2013, I want at least 50 comments of different peopeple asking me to upload my photos of 2013. DO YOU WANT MY PHOTOS OF 2013 ?
brocklehurst3 🇬🇧 2014-05-06 01:59 в ответ dad3boys
While waiting impatiently for your next photos, it occurred to me that this might not have been the best photo to post this request on. Personally, I tend to glance at the thumbnails and only click on the ones that look promising for a closer look. The thumbnail for this pic is dark, with no bare skin visible, so it may well be that many of your regular viewers have not even opened this photo and seen your request. We may be waiting quite some time to get up to 50 comments! Just a thought.
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-05-06 09:40 в ответ brocklehurst3
Dear friend, I've read with attention your email and will think about it. Best regards, Dad3Boys
maxhobel 🇩🇪 2014-04-21 08:33
I want your photos of 2013. :-)
rebel3 🇺🇸 2014-04-21 15:09
Yes, please keep posting, Dad3!
abel.tournier 🇫🇷 2014-04-21 16:47
Of course we do! Thanks for sharing your great work!
brocklehurst3 🇬🇧 2014-04-21 23:38
Yes, 2013 please.
naifboy 🇺🇸 2014-04-25 09:23
Yes, 2013 please..........................and any canterey this boys
paf83 🇫🇷 2014-04-27 04:21
Moi je dit oui !!!
shizznit! 🇮🇩 2014-04-27 06:38
Please keep posting. Your pictures are great!
pmendoc 🇨🇦 2014-04-27 16:27
moi aussi oui
paf83 🇫🇷 2014-05-03 16:44
aller Dad s'il te plait ? c'est cruelle de nous faire attendre !
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-05-03 16:53 в ответ paf83
Pour te faire plaisir, je veux bien baisser à 30 demandes...
ivor1 🇺🇸 2014-05-13 11:56
following your posts and enjoying your work, once more, I credit you for all the Mega's you have supplied with your roving lens. Great work.
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-05-13 13:58 в ответ ivor1
Thanks a lot. I am still waiting the 30 demands for my photos of 2013 !
ivor1 🇺🇸 2014-05-14 08:21 в ответ dad3boys
Yes of course, count me in. Lets see your fantastic pictures
dmc69 🇺🇸 2014-06-01 08:53
i want you to upload more photos. :P
dad3boys 🇸🇪 2014-06-01 09:12 в ответ dmc69
May be I will begin to upload again tonight